Install Reacher on OVH

Install Reacher on OVH

Last updated: August 15th 2024.

This guide goes through installing Reacher on an OVH dedicated server.


Create an account on
Buy a dedicated server.
  • I do not recommend using a VPS, as you will be sharing the same IP address with other customers, which can make email verification results unreliable.
  • Computation power is often not the bottleneck, so you can get the cheap dedicated Eco servers.
Make sure you have the correct license to self host, see 🏠Self-Host Guide.
(Only if you want to enable ) Have access to a PostgreSQL database. Heroku offers some for free.

🤓 Step by Step Guide

  1. Set up your dedicated server by following the official OVH documentation. I recommend “Debian 11” as the Linux distribution, but it should work with “Debian 10” too.
  1. Log into your server.
    1. ssh debian@<ip_address_of_your_server>
  1. Create the file and paste the following content into it. You can use vim or nano to do this. Configure the variables on the top of the file accordingly.
    1. #!/bin/bash
      # Postinstall script of Reacher Backend on an OVH debian 11 server.
      # As a postinstall, this script is meant to be run once, but for convenience,
      # it's actually idempotent.
      # Fail early.
      set -e
      # TODO: Configure these variables.
      # Required variables:
      RCH_VERSION="v0.7.0"                          # Docker Hub tag for reacherhq/backend.
      DATABASE_URL="{{{DATABASE_URL}}}"             # URL of a Postgres database which hosts the bulk queue and results.
      # Optional variables
      RCH_SENTRY_DSN="{{{RCH_SENTRY_DSN}}}"         # Send bug reports to a dashboard.
      RCH_HEADER_SECRET="{{{RCH_HEADER_SECRET}}}"   # Protect backend from the public.                      # Shoud ideally match the reverse DNS of your OVH cloud instance.
      echo "Installing Reacher backend $RCH_VERSION on host $HOSTNAME..."
      # Install Docker
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get upgrade --yes
      sudo apt-get install \
          ca-certificates \
          curl \
          gnupg \
          lsb-release \
      sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
      curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg --yes
      echo \
          "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
          $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin --yes
      # Create `docker` group
      getent group docker || sudo groupadd docker
      sudo usermod -aG docker debian
      # Reload users and groups, see
      sudo su - $USER << EOF
      # Stop all previous docker containers and images
      docker stop reacher_backend
      docker rm reacher_backend
      # Run the backend
      docker run -d \
          -e RCH_ENABLE_BULK=1 \
          -p 80:8080 \
          --name reacher_backend \
      echo "Everything set. You can close this terminal."
  1. Run the script above.
    1. # Make the script executable.
      chmod a+x
      # Run it.
  1. Wait a couple of minutes until the script finishes. It should end with:
    1. --snip--
      Everything set. You can close this terminal.
      The long hexadecimal string represents the Docker container ID, should you wish to start/stop it or monitor its logs.
  1. In a new terminal, test the server by sending an email verification request.
    1. curl -X POST \
      	-H'Content-Type: application/json' \
      	-d'{"to_email":""}' \
      It should return a JSON with is_reachable=safe!

Next Steps

Your server is now correctly set up.
  • Instead of single email verifications as in step 6, try after setting the RCH_ENABLE_BULK environment variable to 1.

🤔 Something went wrong?

Please email ✉️ with some logs about your error. I run part of Reacher’s infrastructure on OVH, so I can help here.